Friday, December 08, 2006


This will be my last post for a week. I hope I make it a whole week with out posting and reading all the blogs. Kya and I had a wonderful week with Nana. My mom took her week of vacation and we took a shopping vacation. We shopped ALL day everyday for a week WOO HOO!!! We really had a good time and Kya was a great little shopper. Daddy says he works ALL year to pay for this week. HAHA

Yes my NANA bought me this outfit...I am a little Cheeta Girl!
Kya likes to stick out her tounge now...for every picture.
Candy, Nana, and Kya Blu...looking a litte Coral
We Three Queens
Mommy finally let me crawl around on this rug!!!


Ginger--Maya's mommy said...

I love Kya's outfit!! Soooo cute!!

JuJu - said...

I love your hair - Your eyes stand out so much more-Gorgeous! Stay dark girlfriend! I wish I could pull that off! You look great!


Natalie said...

Oh my heavens, I love the Cheetah Girl outfit! The three of you are beautiful.

Anonymous said...

You three look sooo beatiful!!! You do need another week for shopping though...I need to go over and visit you all, and of course all the malls...
Kya's outfit is just tooooo gorgeous...!!!
Love ya,
Maria Izabel

Anonymous said...

Nana say: What a difference a week can make! I am so happy to have had last week with my girls--to help cope with this week. Thank you Jesus!