Sunday, February 10, 2008

My Own Little CupCake

Another Bloging Buddy Tricia has been doing a lot of CUPCAKE all I can think about when Kya picks this bib are her TWO Cuties...So here is my little GOOF BALL 23 month old cupcake who is keeping MOMMY on my toes as we wait for baby bubby's CA NUMBER


Tricia said...

Ohhhhhhhh - how delicious!!!!!!!!!

Kya Blu is a superstar & can work that cupcake bib!


veggiemom said...

What a cutie!
Kerri and Ruby

Carrie, Rich and the Kids said...

Cutie Cupcake--Happy 23 Months!

Where has the time gone?

Keep Mommy busy and occupied so the time goes fast waiting for your little brother to come home!

Becca said...

What a cutie cupcake!

Peace and Hugs,

Tracey said...

Cutest little cupcake I have ever seen!
Hugs and kisses to all of you!

Robyn said...

What adorable pics!! Kya has the cutest personality!!
