My Mommy will not be posting for a few days. We will be in TX at our favorite resort where we will be CHILLIN by the pool with my friends from Guatemala. We are so excited to get be with these families this July 4th weekend. My Mommy and me will be staying in Tx with my Aunt Cassie until July 20th. When we get home my Mommy wants to add a BLOG roll call to the side of her could you all PLEASE leave your BLOG in the comment section so we can include you. Thanks a Bunch and HAPPY 4th of JULY 2007...HUGS KYA BLU
Friday, June 29, 2007
Show the love for my Guatemalan Balls

Thursday, June 28, 2007
Kya's days at Grandma's House
Here are a few pictures of the few days we got to spend at Grandma's house last week.
Also wanted to share something with you all...GOOGLE READER!!! My friend Matt told me about it and It is going to save me HOURS each day. You can subscribe to all the BLOGS you read through GOOGLE READER and then they keep track of when someone posts a new post...It ROCKS...I spend so much time checking BLOGS and sometimes they have no updates..The only thing is I don't think I can leave comments doing it this If I don't comment as much this is why...I am still there reading all you BLOGS I promise I am an Addict...hehe

That's right Folks....the have DR RUTH on children's programs these days...STRANGE

What do you think Grandpa...we are so WAY COOL don't you think???

Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Me and Mommy love our Guate Tot Friends
Last week was really nice we got to get together with two other adoptive families. we went to the Concert in the Park with Kerri and Miss Ruby Tuesday.
Then on Sunday we got to spend the afternoon with Ami, Matt, Emma, and Elly. I was so thrilled to see them again....They were my "neighbors" at the Marriott for a week in June last summer. Thanks so much for coming to visit us. we can't wait to see you all again real soon.

The DOODLE and the Magna DOODLE

Friday, June 22, 2007
Please look at this link to my friend Natalie's BLOG...her sweet Mia turned ONE today...but she is not home where she should be and her mommy does not even know where she is at tonight....which breaks my heart. Please Pray that Mia gets to come home to the family that loves her and is waiting for her to complete their family. Natalie this is one of the most moving video's I have ever seen and although I cried a river of tears....Oh I just love it. Happy 1st Birthday Sweet MIA!!!
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Kya Blu Take Two
I LOVE having these two pictures in the same pose....I REALLY can't believe that my tiny baby is now a big girl

Monday, June 18, 2007
Life with the Garcia's...Fun Fun Fun
Bella and her Mommy still needs our prayers...Bella has to go back in for more surgery on Friday...that means she has to be put under again. Bella is still having to take pain medicine and is very uncomfortable.Lisa you know my heart is breaking for you...we are your family through adoption and we are here for you all the way. I posted this prayer request on my BLOG because...we are the people who understand the pain Lisa is going through...we work so hard and put so much of ourselves into bringing these precious babies home...that even the thought of anything happening to too hard to handle.
Here it is by poor little toe and our pictures of our wonderful days with the Garcia Crew!

The picture below is a whole new meaning for horse and carriage...Avery riding a horse pushing a Basket..

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