Monday, January 14, 2008


Kya is getting so big and talking so much more. She loves to repeat mommy. We had a great day going to Panara Bread and the Mall Playground. Kya can eat so well with silverware now and stays pretty clean. She is SO SOCIAL and plays so well with all ages of children. When she got tired she went to her stroller crawled in and said HOME...Nite Nite mommy....Oh I will miss her these next few days. Mommy loves you so much little doodle.

The serious side of Kya Blu

When I get my diaper bag, Kya gets hers too...only hers is in the shape of a doggy

Kya doing what I call the KYA BOOGIE...its kinda like a chicken dance with a little funky monkey thrown in too


Sarah said...

I can just imagine the Kya Boogie! The little "doggie bag" is adorable too! This is such a fun age, isn't it??

Enjoy your time in Guat! Can't wait to see pics!

Abby's mom - Pam :) said...

The pictures are too cute!! I just love it when Abby dances. They are so funny at this stage. It amazes me how much they learn and how fast they learn it.

I pray for you to have a safe and blessed trip to Guatemala. I look forward to all the pictures of the babies.

Abby's mom - Pam :) said...

The pictures are too cute!! I just love it when Abby dances. They are so funny at this stage. It amazes me how much they learn and how fast they learn it.

I pray for you to have a safe and blessed trip to Guatemala. I look forward to all the pictures of the babies.

Sophie's mommy said...

cANDY i HAVE FOLLOWED YOUR BLOG ALMOS TSINCE THE BEGINNING. Kya is getting cuter and cuter. I wish we lived closer, the girls would have a great time together. P.s Jagger is a cutie...

Princess Gabby and Prince Hunter said...

What a cute "diaper bag" Kya has. Candy I will be praying for you on your trip, I know your heart is full right now. Hugs to you!
Mera and Gabby

Natalie C. said...

i heart kya blu too...i wish i could just hop in a car and come on over...miss ya'll

Becca said...

I'm so jealous. How did you teach her to use untensils?? Ella still eats noodles and cous cous with her fingers. And I don't even want to talk about potty training!
Kya is beautiful!


Princess D said...

Soo cute. Have a great trip and enjoy your time with baby brother. I have been updating my blog again so come by some time!

Robyn said...

What adorable pics!! Kya is a doll!!


Carrie, Rich and the Kids said...

It is amazing how mature they act overnight. They are growing up!

Love the "doggy" bag. She is so gorgeous!

Miss you!