Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Together at LAST

In just a FEW short hours Kya Blu will meet her baby brother for the first time! We are all So excited about tomorrow we can not even sleep. Happy Thanksgiving you all of you!

Our Daughter

Our Son

Oh and Kya Blu will also get to be in her beloved Pepe's arms tomorrow as well...stay tuned for pictures of them together!


Christina said...

How sweet. You are going to have one heck of an awesome Thanksgiving.

JuJu - said...

Happy Thanksgiving Turkey:)

Ellie said...



Ellie said...
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Ginger--Maya's mommy said...

What a great way to celebrate Thanksgiving.

Anonymous said...

Kya's Nana says:Oh how I wish I was there to see all our Guatemala family see Miss Kya Blu again! PePe, our little flirt really knows how to work it! I am so anxious to see her with Brother Jagger--take lots of pics Mommy!! Love to you all!

veggiemom said...

Have a great trip!
Kerri and Ruby